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Tax payments for environmental damage exacted from oil company in Kazakhstan

3 621 просмотрs

The Prosecutor's Office of Kazakh Kyzylorda region exacted 17 billion KZT ($1 - 184.1 KZT) tax payments from Petro Kazakhstan Kumkol Resources for excessive emissions into the environment, Attorney General of Kazakhstan Askhat Daulbaev said Jan.23, speaking at a board meeting on the results of 2014.

Prosecutor of Kyzylorda region exacted 17 billion KZT tax payments for excess emissions into the environment from Petro Kazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC, which is 10.7 percent of the annual budget of the region (167 billion KZT in 2014),” he said.

He went on to add that the Prosecutor’s Office of Kyzylorda region is the absolute leader in the protection of the economic interests of the state on the results of 2014, reports.

“In general, over the last year, the State exacted more than 74 billion KZT under this article,” said the attorney general. “This is almost twice as much as the previous year (38.4 billion KZT in 2013).”

PetroKazakhstan is a vertically integrated oil and gas group owned by China National Petroleum Corporation and National Company KazMunaiGas.

PetroKazakhstan scope of business includes exploration, field development, oil and gas production, as well as purchasing of fields, processing and selling of crude oil and refined products.

The operations of PetroKazakhstan Group of Companies are based on two business units: PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources (PKKR) producing oil and PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP (PKOP) refining oil.

PetroKazakhstan also owns a 50 percent share in two joint ventures operating in the South Turgai oil basin - Kazgermunai and Turgai Petroleum.

In 2013, PetroKazakhstan Inc.(PKI) produced 5.324 million metric tons of oil, according to the company.

January 26 2015, 17:56

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