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“Will the continuing falling price of oil kickoff of a global recession?”, “Pakistani Man On Trial In Kazakhstan For Human Smuggling”, “Kazakh Police Detain Journalists Ahead Of Planned Rally”, “Poland loses to Kazakhstan 2:3 in WSB”, “HIV positive: gende

1 368 просмотрs “Will the continuing falling price of oil kickoff of a global recession?” - The average OPEC basket price last week stood at $43.30/bbl, the US WTI for the March settlement $45.59/bbl, Brent for the same month delivery $48.79 per barrel. The average price for Azeri Light oil, exported from Azerbaijan via the Turkish Ceyhan, Georgian Batumi and Supsa ports to Italian Augusta, was $49.69/bbl. The forecasts from the various experts, analysts of banks, oil and consulting companies indicate that the average oil price seems to be 60 dollars per barrel during this year. “Pakistani Man On Trial In Kazakhstan For Human Smuggling” - A Pakistani man has gone on trial in Kazakhstan's largest city, Almaty, for allegedly heading a human smuggling ring. Sarfazar Hussain appeared in the Almaly District Court on January 23 on charges of organizing "an illegal immigration channel" for citizens from Pakistan, Iran, India, China and other countries. Prosecutors say Hussain is part of a criminal group that brought foreigners into Kazakhstan who intended to stay in the country.

“Kazakh Police Detain Journalists Ahead Of Planned Rally” - Journalists and rights activists who planned to rally in support of a Kazakh magazine that was ordered closed last month were reportedly detained by police as they left their homes. Gulzhan Erghalieva, the editor of Adam Bol (Be Human), wrote on Facebook on January 24 that "police are arresting journalists, one after another, as they leave their homes and taking them to the district police station to 'acquaint them with the law.'" “Poland loses to Kazakhstan 2:3 in WSB” - In the second fight of the season 5 of the World Series Boxing Kazakhstan’s Astana Arlans has defeated Rafako Hussars Poland in their home ring in Lublin, Poland 3:2. Young Arlan Olzhas Sattibayev who debuted in the 4th season against two times World Champion Misha Aloyan faced Hamza Touba, a former boxer from German Eagles in the flyweight category (-52 kg). Sattibayev stepped in the ring “meaning business”, as the WSB commentator noted. He overwhelmed his opponent with constant aggressive attacks. Touba showed less vigour and kept clinching the Kazakh boxer from the first round. Yet, the Hussars boxer, too, showed a number of solid connecting punches. But it was Sattibayev who took the victory with his excellent footwork, bold demeanour and impressive techniques. “HIV positive: gender and age trends in Kazakhstan” - Kazakhstan’s Center for Prevention and Combating AIDS observes changes in the age and gender statistics for new HIV cases, Tengrinews reports citing Novosti-Kazakhstan. In terms of age statistics, according to the Head of the Epidemiology Department Lolita Ganina, the number of new cases of HIV infection has decreased among Kazakhstanis between 19 to 29 y. o., but increase among citizens aged 30 to 59.

January 26 2015, 11:09

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