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“Kazakhstan is stability anchor in Central Asia, German FM”, “Iranian scientist joins NASA plan for building base in moon”, “8 gadgets that might make your home smarter than you”, “Kazakhstan's crews successfully complete stage 9 of Africa Eco Race-2015”

1 189 просмотрs “Kazakhstan is stability anchor in Central Asia, German FM”- ead of State Nursultan Nazarbayev met with Federal Foreign Minister of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the Akorda press service said. The parties debated priority aspects of bilateral relations and efforts aimed at settlement of situation in the east of Ukraine, shared opinions on a range of premises of a possible meeting of the heads of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France in Astana. “Iranian scientist joins NASA plan for building base in moon”- An Iranian scientist Behrokh Khoshnevis at South California University has developed a method for building structures in the space automatically which does not need astronauts' activities. The method uses sources of the space and other planets to provide material for the structures. NASA picked Khoshnevis's plan for 'Create the Future Design' Contest 2014 out of hundreds of plans to support the plan for materializing its ambitious goals. “8 gadgets that might make your home smarter than you” - WASHINGTON, DC. KAZINFORM In the near future, you may no longer need to remember to turn the oven off when the cake's done, switch on lights when you enter a room, or run the clothes dryer when electricity rates are cheapest. Your home will do it for you. “Kazakhstan's crews successfully complete stage 9 of Africa Eco Race-2015”-The ninth stage of the Africa Eco Race-2015 has finished on January 8, in Akjoujt, Mauritania,Tengrinews reports citing The participants had to drive 390 km from Azougui to Akjoujt in Mauritania, of which 366 km were special sections. This stage was sandy and rocky all across the White Valley. The competitors also had to overcome a huge erg completely off-road.

January 12 2015, 11:32

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