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“The Interview” draws crowds of US free speech advocates”, “China police fire on Tibetans after self-immolations”, "Tsunami-hit nations mark anniversary", “So what colour was Jesus?”, “Psychology: Why boredom is bad... and good for you”

1 112 просмотрs “The Interview” draws crowds of US free speech advocates” - A fictional plot to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un drew throngs of moviegoers Thursday, as it became an unlikely symbol of free speech thanks to hacker threats that nearly scuppered its release. The future of Sony's "The Interview" had been in doubt after the entertainment giant said it was canceling the release following an embarrassing cyber attack on its corporate network and threats against patrons. “China police fire on Tibetans after self-immolations” - Chinese police have fired on Tibetan protesters demonstrating after a series of deadly self-immolations by people from Tibet campaigning against Chinese rule of their Himalayan region, a rights group said on Friday. "Tsunami-hit nations mark anniversary" - Memorial services are being held in Indonesia and other nations for the victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami on the 10th anniversary of the disaster. In Indonesia's province of Aceh - the worst hit area - Vice-President Jusuf Kalla led tributes to the dead at the Siron mass grave. “Ukraine crisis: Key peace talks in Minsk called off” - Ukrainian forces and volunteers have been trying to recover eastern areas from rebels. A key round of peace talks between Ukraine's government and pro-Russian rebels, due to take place in Minsk on Friday, has been called off, Belarusian officials say. No immediate reason was given by the Belarusian foreign ministry. The talks had begun on Wednesday to try to end the conflict in eastern Ukraine which has left 4,700 dead.

“So what colour was Jesus?” - Jesus has been named the top black icon by the New Nation newspaper. Their assertion that Jesus was black has raised eyebrows in some quarters - so what colour was he? Just as no one will ever produce proof for the existence of God, the question of Jesus's colour may always be a matter for personal belief.

“Psychology: Why boredom is bad... and good for you” - Being bored could hinder our lives in ways we don’t realise – but it may also have helped shape one of our most productive characteristics, says David Robson.

December 26 2014, 12:15

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