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George HW Bush taken to hospital

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File photo of George H W Bush, July 2013 George HW Bush is the oldest living former US presidentFile photo of George H W Bush, July 2013 George HW Bush is the oldest living former US presidentFormer US President George Bush Sr has been taken to hospital after suffering from a shortness of breath, his spokesman says.

Mr Bush, 90, was taken to the Houston Methodist Hospital as a precaution, and "will be held for observation, again as a precaution", said Jim McGrath.

Two years ago, Mr Bush was treated in the same hospital for more than two months for a bronchitis-related cough and other issues.

He was president from 1989 to 1993.

He is the oldest living former US president and a World War II veteran. He can no longer use his legs, but in June celebrated his 90th birthday by making a tandem parachute jump.

His son George W Bush served as president from 2001 to 2009.

December 24 2014, 17:39

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