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“Nazarbayev on Almaty's bid for 2022 Winter Olympics”, “Sony hack: North Korea threatens US as row deepens”, “Kazakhstan ready to become independent mediator in Ukrainian crisis – Nazarbayev”, “More Kazakhstanis to seek medical help in South Korea with vi

1 229 просмотрs “Nazarbayev on Almaty's bid for 2022 Winter Olympics” - Nursultan Nazarbayev during the meeting with media representatives. Frame of STV Channel. Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev has discussed the feasibility of hosting the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Almaty during an half-an-hour Q&A session with media representatives,Tengrinews reports citing the live broadcast of the STV channel.

“More Kazakhstanis to seek medical help in South Korea with visa free regime” - The visa free regime between South Korea and Kazakhstan will increase the flow of health tourists in 2015. A Korean businessman Dong-Il Lim working in the field of medical tourism said that 15 thousand Kazakhstani health tourists would be traveling to South Korea in 2015. Incomparison, according to the Department of Tourism in Seoul, 2,890 Kazakhstanis visited South Korea in 2014. The demand for medical services in South Korea among Kazakhstanis has increased 24 times since 2008.“Sony hack: North Korea threatens US as row deepens” - South Korean media is closely watching developments in the cyber-attack row. North Korea has threatened unspecified attacks on the US in an escalation of a war of words following the Sony Pictures cyber-attacks. In a fiery statement, the North warned of strikes against the White House, Pentagon and "the whole US mainland". “Kazakhstan ready to become independent mediator in Ukrainian crisis – Nazarbayev” - Kazakhstan is ready to become an independent intermediary between the conflicting sides in the Ukrainian crisis, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev told an annual meeting with journalists in the presidential residence of Akorda on December 21, AKIpress has learned from Khabar TV channels' broadcast.

December 22 2014, 14:53

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