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“Birds 'heard tornadoes coming' and fled the day before”, "Lifestyle linked to changes in brain ageing: study", “EU needs 'long-term' Russia strategy, says Donald Tusk”, “Kurds break Mount Sinjar siege against 'Islamic State,' free Yazidis”, “Kazakh Senat

957 просмотрs "Lifestyle linked to changes in brain ageing: study" - Making basic lifestyle changes could help to prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, according to new analysis by a British health charity the Age UK.  “Birds 'heard tornadoes coming' and fled the day before”-  Multiple tornadoes devastated parts of the southern and central US in April. US scientists say tracking data showing five golden-winged warblers left their nesting site a day a tornado outbreak suggests the birds "heard it coming". Geolocators showed the birds, which had just finished a 5,000km migration, left the Appalachians and flew 700km (400 miles) south to the Gulf of Mexico.

“EU needs 'long-term' Russia strategy, says Donald Tusk” - The EU needs a long-term strategy on Russia instead of simply reacting to events, the new EU summit chairman Donald Tusk has said. Mr Tusk said he had been "really moved" by the leaders' discussion of the Ukraine crisis. “Kurds break Mount Sinjar siege against 'Islamic State,' free Yazidis” - It has been deemed 'the most successful' offensive to date against the "Islamic State." Kurdish forces announced Thursday they have broken the siege on Mount Sinjar and recaptured territory in a two-day assault. “Kazakh Senate ratifies treaty on Armenia's entry into EEU” - ASTANA. KAZINFORM The Kazakh Senate had adopted today the law "On ratification of the treaty on accession of the Republic of Armenia to the Eurasian Economic Union Treaty as of May 29, 2014".

December 18 2014, 16:54

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