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"Francois Hollande Mocked Online After Being Photographed In Kazakh Traditional Dress", "Karaganda mine workers unearth mammoth tusks", “Berkeley Protests Move to Oakland: Tear Gas Fired, Injuries Reported”, “KZT 80 mln to build ecological park in E Kazak

1 788 просмотрs "Francois Hollande Mocked Online After Being Photographed In Kazakh Traditional Dress" - French President Francois Hollande has attracted online mockery, and comparisons to the comedy character Borat, after appearing dressed in a traditional Kazakh fur hat and coat in an
image posted on social media. Hollande, who was on a visit to the Kazakh capital Asana when the photo was taken, apparently did not see the funny side of the incident, with officials from France's presidential headquarters, the Elysee Palace, forcing the photo's removal from the Instagram account of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, according to Al Arabiya "Karaganda mine workers unearth mammoth tusks" - In Zhanaarka District of Karaganda region miners have made a mammoth discovery while digging at a work site. The workers unearthed massive tusks believed to be that of an ancient elephant relative. “Berkeley Protests Move to Oakland: Tear Gas Fired, Injuries Reported” - Several people have been arrested and injuries have been reported as the local police have continued to use tear gas on the second day of protests in Berkeley; the protest marchers have proceeded to neighboring Oakland. Police have used tear gas to disperse hundreds of protesters in Oakland, California. Twitter messages say injuries from police violence have been reported. “KZT 80 mln to build ecological park in E Kazakhstan” - The Ust Kamenogorsk poultry farm has undertaken a commitment to invest KZT 80 mln in the construction and development of an ecological park for veterans in the Kaissenov rural settlement. The poultry farm executives and governor of the Ulan district signed a memo of cooperation.

December 8 2014, 00:52

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