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“Melt Rate of Antarctica Glaciers Speeding Up: Researchers”, “10 Wonderful Foods That Will Give You Great Skin”, “Anti-immigration party threatens to topple Swedish government”, Russian Combat Dolphins Hold First Exercises in Black Sea"

1 154 просмотрs “Melt Rate of Antarctica Glaciers Speeding Up: Researchers” - The melt rate of glaciers in the fastest-melting part of Antarctica has tripled over the past decade, researchers said on Tuesday in an analysis of the past 21 years. 10 Wonderful Foods That Will Give You Great Skin - There are many tasty foods that can give you great skin, and including some of them in your eating plan is essential. When you have a healthy skin, you look much younger and fresher, no matter how old you are. The foods you consume every day play a significant role in the health of your skin as well as your overall health. Nowadays it’s hard to choose foods that are tasty and healthy at the same time. Hopefully, this list of 10 foods to eat to have a gorgeous skin will help you keep your skin healthy and young. “Anti-immigration party threatens to topple Swedish government” - Sweden's prime minister has not been able to come to an agreement with a majority opposition coalition regarding next year's budget. A far-right anti-immigration party is forcing his government to its knees.

"German pilots announce yet another Lufthansa strike" - Europe's largest airline, Lufthansa, will be affected by another pilots' strike. The new walkout was announced just as one was coming to an end. Thousands of flights are affected. Russian Combat Dolphins Hold First Exercises in Black Sea: Military Source” - First training exercises with combat dolphins in Crimea by Russian Black Sea Fleet’s Special Forces. The Russian Black Sea Fleet’s Special Forces have held their first training exercises with combat dolphins since the Crimean Peninsula was reunited with Russia, a military source in Crimea told RIA Novosti on Wednesday.

“East Beats West: China on Top of the Art World” - Chinese art market has become the world leader in sales of contemporary art, leaving behind the longstanding leader, the United States. Ten years ago, China was nowhere to be seen on the marketplace of the art world, now it is the strongest and fastest growing art market worldwide. According to Artprice, the world leader of art market information, China currently supplies 40% of the world art market sales worth $811 million compared to $752 million for the US. "Portuguese researchers develop new method to diagnose stomach cancer" - Portuguese researchers have claimed that they have developed a new method to diagnose stomach cancer by using 2D images. The researchers' method, which was tested on a tumor suppression protein called e-cadherin, uses images to detect the amount and location of protein in a group of cells.










December 3 2014, 16:19

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