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AIDS: New strategy and new patients

2 504 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Iskalieva

Press conference dedicated to World AIDS Day took place in the Center for formation of healthy lifestyle.

The first HIV case in Atyrau was revealed in 1993. Today 138 citizens of Kazakhstan and 54 foreigners are registered in the regional Center for prevention and fight against AIDS.

Since the beginning of the year in Atyrau Oblast 14 HIV cases have been revealed (4 men and 10 women aged from 20 till 50). In most cases the infection was sexually transmitted.

According to Koulsym Dyurzhanova, the chief physician of the regional Center for prevention and fight against AIDS, this year the UN declared a new strategy titled “90-90-90”. It is deciphered as follows: to achieve that 90% of the people living with HIV learned about their status; that 90% of people who already know about their status received treatment; and that  at 90% of people receiving treatment had  a decrease of viruses quantity in their blood.

December 2 2014, 16:55

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