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Australian investors interested in cooperation with North Kazakhstan rgn

2 744 просмотрs

Governor of North Kazakhstan region Yerik Sultanov chairs the meetingGovernor of North Kazakhstan region Yerik Sultanov chairs the meetingGovernor of North Kazakhstan region Yerik Sultanov has met with representatives of the Australian company "IIUKA RESOURCES LTD", which is engaged in the production of zirconium and titanium. The parties intend to develop cooperation in the field of mining on the territory of the region, reports.

North-Kazakhstan region has 286 mineral deposits.

"Our company is the leader in the production of zirconium. In addition, we produce titanium. We are currently working in the US and in Australia. General Manager - Exploration and Geology at Iluka Resources Victor HugoGeneral Manager - Exploration and Geology at Iluka Resources Victor HugoWe carry out geological exploration in Brazil and Sri Lanka. At the moment we are negotiating with "Kazgeologiya", said General Manager - Exploration and Geology at Iluka Resources Victor Hugo.

November 28 2014, 16:36

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