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State of emergency in New York state after freak snowstorm leaves eight dead

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At least eight people have been killed after a freak snowstorm in New York State.

Motorists were left stranded in their cars overnight as more than one and a half metres of snow fell in some places, refers to

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency in ten counties.

“This is an extraordinarily difficult situation. We’re bringing in hundreds of pieces of equipment from all throughout the state. We’ve asked neighbouring states for equipment to supplement what we are going to be bringing in from across the state,” he said.

Cities near the Great Lakes such as Buffalo were worst affected, with many people trapped in their homes.

Buffalo resident Darlene Guabala said: “It’s not as bad as 1977, but it’s pretty bad, especially with all the shutdowns and bans and everything, so it’s a little bit harder for people to get around.”

In Michigan record snow was recorded, and in Chicago roads and buildings were covered in ice.

Residents are now bracing themselves for even more snow fall which forecasters say is on its way.

November 20 2014, 16:22

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