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Uralsk hosts NGO congress

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The congress of non-governmental organizations “NGO’s role in social modernization of society” was held in Uralsk, correspondent reports.

NGOs, national cultural centers, political parties, scientists, state agency reps, heads of higher educational institutions, trade-unions, youth associations and mass media reps participated in the work of the congress. The Deputy mayor of the West Kazkhstan Oblst Erbol Salykov said that NGOs play an important role in the public life.

“NGOs have privileges on taxes. The third sector of the society increases its potential and starts to influence the process of making political decisions,” said Salykov.

Participants of the congress discussed the following issues: "NGOs' capacity and increased influence on decision-making process", "Interaction with the national cultural centers on issues of social modernization", "The convention of the United Nations on the rights of disabled people".

"The constructive dialogue of NGOs, businesses and government will be to people's advantage," said Aigul Turkin, the president of WKR, Civil Alliance.

“Our mission is to develop the civil society through strengthening of people’s activity. It is necessary to increase our potential and to unite our efforts,” continued Aigul Turkin.

In recent years the number of NGOs increased. And their activity became more efficient.

“In 1991 there were 100 NGOs. Now there are 500 thousand people involved in the NGo activity in Kazakhstan. Socially important projects have been implemented,” said the vice-president of the WKR Civil Alliance, Sergey Dmitryuk.

New social projects were presented at the congress which will be implemented by the regional NGOs in Kazakhstan.


November 23 2012, 01:00

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