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“Greece holds breath as skeleton found in Alexander-era tomb”, “The Truth About What Happens in the Pool”, "EU-Kazakhstan Human Rights Dialogue", “Kazakhstan annually welcomes 300,000 babies”,

1 168 просмотрs“Greece holds breath as skeleton found in Alexander-era tomb” - Thessaloniki (Greece) (AFP) - Archaeologists are holding their breath that a skeleton found in a mysterious, richly-decorated tomb from the time of Alexander the Great will solve the riddle of who ancient Greece's biggest burial mound was built for. “The Truth About What Happens in the Pool” - You know it, I know it, your kindergarten niece knows it. It’s one of the biggest commandments of the summer: Thou Shalt Not Pee in the Pool. And yet, be honest — you’ve done it, haven’t you? Even serious competitive swimmers do it. A fifth of all American swimmers admitted to doing their business in the pool, according to a survey by the Water Quality and Health Council. The survey found that most people who used pools didn’t realize the diseases that a contaminated pool could carry. "EU-Kazakhstan Human Rights Dialogue" - The European Union and Kazakhstan held the sixth round of their annual Human Rights Dialogue in Brussels today. The Kazakh delegation was led by Mr Yogan Merkel, First Deputy Prosecutor General, who was accompanied by Mr Vyacheslav Kalyuzhnyy, Director of the National Centre for Human Rights, and other senior officials. The EU delegation was led by Mr Silvio Gonzato, Director for Human Rights and Democracy at the European External Action Service. “Kazakhstan annually welcomes 300,000 babies” - "For the past 20 years of realization of the International Conference on Population and Development program global changes have taken place," Dariga Nazarbayeva, Vice Speaker of the Kazakh Majilis, said taking the floor at the Central Asian Conference of Parliamentarians in Almaty. 




November 13 2014, 15:03

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