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Tengizchevroil recognized global leader for 94% reduction in gas flaring

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In 10 years, TCO has reduced gas flaring by 94%, the oil production company announced in the press release.

Tengizchevroil was awarded for its success in flaring reduction at the 10th Global Gas Flaring Reduction Conference in London on October 24:

"The World Bank’s Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR) recognized TCO as a global leader in flaring reduction due, in part, to the success of TCO’s Gas Utilization Project (GUP) which helped TCO deliver on its commitment to end routine gas flaring. The company has reduced its flaring emissions by more than 94 percent since 2000; while increasing crude oil production by 147 percent in the same timeframe."

According to the oblast department of ecology, besides TCO, among major crude production companies there are Embamunaygas and AltiesPetroleum currently flaring gas in Atyrau Oblast. Agip KCO will join them in the future.

Prior to 2000, routine flaring was a normal occurrence. Later, upon introduction of the law on subsoil resources and use of resources, gas flaring was limited to emergencies only.

Yerbol KUANOV, director of environmental department, believes that companies working in fields with associated gas content should somehow use it -- they create utilization programs. 

A program includes an allowed volume of gas to flare at so-called 'pilot light burners', used during emergency situations and scheduled preventive operations, etc.

For some reason, requested volumes keep rising instead of reduction. The allowed volume for the company was 165mln cubic meters of gas this year. For 2013, TCO has requested to allow flare 169mln cubic meters. That's another 5mln cubic meters.

However, this fact does not, in fact, shine down the great achievement of TCO, which managed to minimize gas flaring from 1.85mln tons in 2000 down to 0.1mln in 2011. 

Today's volumes make up just 5% of 2000's level. 


November 22 2012, 14:06

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