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Tariffs for Russian oil transit to China via Kazakhstan approved - KazTransOil

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Chairman of the Committee for Regulation of Natural Monopolies of the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan approved on November 4 prices for transit of Russian oil to China via the territory of Kazakhstan, the KazTransOil said.

The tariffs have been approved in accordance with the agreement between the Governments of Kazakhstan and Russia on oil transit deal as of December 24, 2013, reports referring to akipress.

The oil transit tariffs are following:

- Priirtyshsk (Russia) - Atasu (Kazakhstan) - Alashankou (China) - USD $9.8 per 1 ton;

- Priirtyshsk - Atasu – USD $2.63 per 1 ton;

- Atasu - Alashankou t- USD $7.17 per 1 ton.

The KazTransOil JSC is the national operator of Kazakhstan's main oil pipelines.

November 7 2014, 09:56

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