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"Shift work dulls your brain", "More than 10,500 Russian companies registered in Kazakhstan", “Over the next 5 years Kazakhstan will focus on innovation", “Central Asian Presidents have made a big mistake not supporting Nazarbayev's proposal on CA Union"

1 385 просмотрs "Shift work dulls your brain - report" - Working antisocial hours can prematurely age the brain and dull intellectual ability, scientists warn. Their study, in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine, suggested a decade of shifts aged the brain by more than six years. There was some recovery after people stopped working antisocial shifts, but it took five years to return to normal. Experts say the findings could be important in dementia, as many patients have disrupted sleep. - "There are 10,700 companies and branches of the largest banks of Russia working in Kazakhstan.  14 projects were realized with participation of the Russian companies to the amount of USD 2 bln as of January 1, 2014. Russian companies take part in more than 50 investment projects in Kazakhstan," trade commissioner of Russia to Kazakhstan Alexander Yakovlev told a business mission of the Udmurtian Republic in Astana. 

“Over the next 5 years Kazakhstan will focus on innovation - Head of State” - The program of industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan for 5 years has built more than 800 new businesses and created many jobs, said Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev at today's meeting with the participants of the 37th session of the Council of the Heads of Security Structures and Special Services of the CIS countries. – “Central Asian Presidents have made a big mistake not supporting Nazarbayev's proposal on CA Union - Atambayev"  -“The Presidents of the Central Asian countries have made a big mistake not supporting Nursultan Nazarbayev's proposal on establishing the Central Asian Union,” said President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev in an interview with the Kazakh journalists organized on the eve of his state visit to Kazakhstan. “Kyrgyz Will Need Passports To Enter Russia” - Kyrgyzstan's State Registration Ministry says that, as of January 1, 2015, Kyrgyz citizens will no longer be able to enter the Russian Federation using their national identification documents. Since 2007, Kyrgyz labor migrants have been travelling between the two countries with internal identification documents. Now, they will have to obtain travel passports.



November 5 2014, 09:44

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