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Kazakh Opera Performed in Paris

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Theatre des Champs-Elysees where Kazakh opera Theatre des Champs-Elysees where Kazakh opera "Abai" was performed on October 26, 2014.In the framework of the Weeks of Kazakhstan’s Culture in France the “Abai” opera by Abai Opera House was successfully performed at the Theatre des Champs-Elysees, on Oct. 26.

Weeks of Culture of Kazakhstan in France are being held in accordance with the Declaration of Intent between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the French Republic, reports.

The “Abai” opera was written by famous Kazakh composers of the first half of the 20thcentury Akhmet Zhubanov and Latif Khamidi.

The conductor of this piece of art was an eminent Kazakh conductor Alan Buribayev, Principal conductor of the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra (Ireland), Principal guest conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of Osaka (Japan) and the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia.

“I believe that success of the “Abai” opera is not just my victory, but also of Kazakhstan as a whole. I think that the classically beautiful creation is associated with four geniuses of Kazakh land, these are Abay himself, whose songs and educational ideas can be heard in the opera, Mukhtar Auezov, the author of libretto, and great composers Khamidi and Zhubanov,” Buribayev commented.  Previously Buribayev also conducted at the European premiere of “Abai in 2012 in German, on the stage of the State Opera of South Thuringia, for which he offered his own version and recreated the original ideas of the authors.

The opera Abai in Paris was in full house.The opera Abai in Paris was played to full house.The “Abai” opera is considered to be one of the best achievements of Kazakhstan’s music. Premiere of the opera was staged for the first time on December 24, 1944 in the Kazakh State Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after Abay. Later in 1958 a new version was introduced to the audience. In golden letters in the musical history of Kazakhstan are inscribed the names of the first performers of the “Abai”: Rishat Abdulin and Kanabek Baiseitov (as Abai), Kuliash Baiseitova and Shabal Beysekova (as Azhar), Anuarbek Umbetbayev (Aydar). Many external critics that already had a chance to observe the opera found it bright and brilliant.

For its rich 80-year history the Abai Opera House of Almaty many times went on tour in Europe and Asia. With the great success musical performances of classical world were held by the theater’s troupe at the opera houses of Germany, Bulgaria, former Yugoslavia, Turkey, China and others. The artists of the theater, winners of the most prestigious competitions of vocalists and ballet dancers, enjoyed success with audiences all over the world.

October 27 2014, 15:08

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