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Work on loading Batumi Oil Terminal underway in Kazakhstan

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KazTransOil national company of Kazakhstan is carrying out work on a continuous basis in order to ensure the loading of the Batumi Oil Terminal on the Black Sea coast of Georgia, reports.

The work is carried out with all the participants of the transport corridor, including Azerbaijan and the potential shippers.
KazTransOil owns 100 percent of shares of the Batumi Terminals Limited company through which it owns and controls the productive assets in Georgia - Batumi Oil terminal LLC and Batumi Sea Port LLC.
The Energy Ministry said that the volume of Kazakh oil and petroleum products transshipped to the Batumi port stood at 5.6 million metric tons in 2013 and 2.8 million metric tons as of the eight months of 2014.
Kazakh oil and petroleum products are transported to the Batumi Oil Terminal via tankers from Aktau to Baku and then via the railway from Baku to Batumi, Kazinform refers to
Batumi sea port is located in the south-eastern part of the Black Sea. The port covers an area of 22.2 hectares. The total area of the open storage territory is 15,656 square meters.

October 27 2014, 12:22

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