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Kazakhstan, Great Britain discuss military cooperation

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The First Deputy Defense Minister and the Chief of the General Staff of the Kazakh Armed Forces, Colonel-General Saken Zhasuzakov and the Chief of the Defense Staff of the British Armed Forces, General Nicholas Houghton discussed the military cooperation between the two countries during a meeting in London, the Kazakh defense ministry said Oct. 24.

"The meeting was held as part the military cooperation plan between Kazakhstan and Great Britain,” a statement says. “The sides discussed further development of cooperation in the military and military-technical spheres. Among the perspective areas of cooperation are the exchange of experience in the military training, professionalism of the armed forces, cyber-security."

While discussing the cooperation issues in the field of peacekeepers’ training, Zhasuzakov thanked the British side for the constant involvement and assistance in conducting "Steppe Eagle" international exercises. It is also reported that Zhasuzakov took part in the "Cambrian Patrol" international exercise during the visit to Great Britain.

The exercises involve the Kazakh armed forces.

October 24 2014, 15:05

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