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Arizona National Guard shares knowledge with Kazakhstan unit

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Two Arizona Army National Guard units joined forces to participate in Steppe Eagle 2014, preparing, mentoring and advising the Kazakhstani Peacekeeping Battalion on military-to-military tactics and support functions, refers to

Exercise Steppe Eagle 14 is a multilateral exercise focusing on peacekeeping and peace-support operations. The primary goal of the exercise is for the Kazakhstan Ministry of Defense to validate its capacity for self-deployment and sustainment of its forces outside of the region to support UN peacekeeping mission.

An enduring partnership program was established in 1995 between Kazakhstan and the State of Arizona.

The Arizona National Guard 198th Regional Support Group sent subject matter experts in various fields to mentor and advise Kazakhstani troops.

They provided reception, staging and onward integration processes for Steppe Eagle in Kazakhstan and Germany, said Arizona National Guard Lt. Col. Zoe Ollinger, 198th RSG operations officer.

October 21 2014, 10:13

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