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Kazakh President ratifies convention on occupational safety and health

1 223 просмотрs

The President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, has ratified today the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention No. 187.

The C187 was adopted in Geneva on the 95th Session of the General Conference of the International Labour Organization on June 15, 2006, reports.

The country ratifying the Convention must promote continuous improvement of occupational safety and health to prevent occupational accidents, diseases and deaths.

In formulating its own national policy for occupational safety and health, each state must promote basic principles of assessing occupational risks, combating the risks, developing the national culture for maintaining occupational safety and health which includes informing and training the employees in the sphere.

Each member of the Convention must establish, maintain, progressively develop, and periodically review its own national system of occupational safety and health.

The number of employees engaged in hazardous working conditions in Kazakhstan in 2014 amounted to about 376 thousand or 1/5 of the total employment rate. More than 40% of employees (153.8 thousand) worked under the conditions of a high level of noise and vibration, more than 35% (132.9 thousand) - under the influence of high gas content and dust.

October 20 2014, 17:37

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