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"Apple’s iPhone 6 Finally Makes Its Debut in China", “First case of anorexia in Kazakhstan reported”, “Anthrax case in western Kazakhstan”, “US tanks arrive in Latvia to ward off ‘perceived’ Russian threat”

1 239 просмотрs "Apple’s iPhone 6 Finally Makes Its Debut in China" - Apple launched its latest iPhone in China on Friday morning. But unlike some pastdebuts for its new gadgets, the event was decidedly low-key. About 100 customers waited in line Friday morning outside Apple’s store in Beijing’s upscale Sanlitun shopping district, which opened its doors at 8 a.m. for buyers who had pre-ordered their new wares—the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+. That was in part because the phone also went on sale at midnight elsewhere, including offices of China’s biggest telecom carriers. “First case of anorexia in Kazakhstan reported” - The nine-year-old girl in Ust-Kamenogorsk is suffering from anorexia, this case is called by reports referring to as the first case of anorexia in Kazakhstan. The girl, the only child in Kazakhstan with anorexia, set a goal to lose weight after she was said “chubby” at school few times. Her weight before hunger was 30 kg, now she weighs 17 kg. “Anthrax case in western Kazakhstan” - A 65-year-old woman from Zhanybek region of West Kazakhstan Oblast has been hospitalised with anthrax, Tengrinews reports citing Moi Gorod regional news website. The woman was delivered to the Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital on October 13. “US tanks arrive in Latvia to ward off ‘perceived’ Russian threat”- US tanks have arrived in Latvia as NATO flexes its muscles in an apparent show of strength towards Moscow. The machines are being deployed across the Baltic States and Poland over the next two weeks and will be used for training exercises.










October 17 2014, 11:42

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