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Kazakhstan's former agriculture vice minister sentenced to 10 years for bribe-taking

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M. UmiryaevM. UmiryaevKazakhstan’s Former Vice Minister of Agriculture Muslim Umiryaev was sentenced to 10 years in prison for big bribe-taking, Novosti-Kazakhstan news agency reported, citing the court documents.

"The court found Umiryaev guilty of committing a crime under Article 311 Part 5 of the Criminal Code (bribery). He will be sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment in a penal colony with confiscation of all his property," said judge Yerbol Rakhimbekov. "Moreover Umiryaev should be deprived from the right to serve at official position and for local authorities for the period of 7 years," said the judge.

Umiryaev was accused of taking bribe in the amount of $100,000 and almost 7 million tenge (181.52 tenge = $1) from a businessman for help to win in tenders for the procurement of vaccines against foot and mouth diseases.

Umiryaev was detained by the Financial Police Agency on December 21, 2013 in his apartment.

After the arrest, Kazakh Agriculture Minister Asylzhan Mamytbekov said he would resign if Umiryaev is found guilty.

October 16 2014, 16:10

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