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Foreign national found unconscious in the city center (UPDATED)

3 064 просмотрs

On November 17, at 4 in the morning, a foreign citizen was found unconscious at roadway near Ak Zhaik Hotel located in the city center.

Police presumed two scenarios of the incident–either a traffic accident or a crime.

The log book of the ambulance reads a preliminary diagnosis is cranium-brain-trauma.

In the reception ward of the oblast hospital we were told he has been hospitalized in emergency room. Reportedly, his name is Adrian Stuart.

According to media service of Internal Affairs Department, after recovery the patient could give evidence to police. He turned out a 40-year-old employee with a contracting company of Agip KCO. A UK citizen.

He claims to have been beaten and robbed by unknown persons.

Investigation in process.


November 18 2012, 16:03

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