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Ex-Governor’s Case. Prosecutors ask for a prison term of 8 to 18 years

3 258 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Bainekeeva

On October 1 the pleadings in court has started with regard to case of Bergei Ryskaliyev's organized criminal group. During the first two days prosecutors read the accusations. They asked for a prison term of 8 to 18 years for defendants.

They requested the heaviest term for Bolat Daukenov, the former First Deputy of the Governor. For other former officials the prosecutors asked the following prison terms: Askar Abdirov, former Deputy Governor - 15 years; Askar Kerimov, former Mayor of Atyrau, for Nurlan Kenzhebekov, the head of construction department and Baurzhan Dzhaisanov, the head of power department -  14 years; for Ibrahim Amirov, the deputy chief of construction department – 10 years. Heavy terms have been also asked for all other defendants. The prosecutors requested the shortest term for the head of finance department Baurzhan Dzhantemirov - 8 years. Prosecutors asked approximately similar terms for the defendants from contracting companies.

All who were present in the court could hardly hear the accusation statements. Practically nobody could comprehend the text in full. One of the lawyers even called it “speed reading contest”. The accusation part of the case that consists of 700 volumes of documentation materials was, in actual fact, read less than in one and a half working days. After prosecutors’ presentation now it’s time for the lawyers to take their turn in court.

October 9 2014, 15:02

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