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“KZ to form oil deep processing production system in 2017”,“KZ investment climate presented to Lebanese businessmen”, "Teachers in Kazakhstan may be soon categorized as special government officials", “Living in “Berendei kingdom”

1 240 просмотрs “Kazakhstan to form hydrocarbon deep processing production system in 2017” - Kazakhstan will form a system of production of deep processing of hydrocarbons for the opening of the "EXPO-2017" international exhibition, said Energy Minister Vladimir Shkolnik at the XI Forum of Interregional Cooperation of Kazakhstan and Russia in Atyrau. “Kazakhstani investment climate presented to Lebanese businessmen” - The Kazakh diplomatic mission in Beirut held a business forum "Factors of attractiveness of the investment climate in the Republic of Kazakhstan", which was attended by over 60 representatives of the Lebanese business community. "Teachers in Kazakhstan may be soon categorized as special government officials" - Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, Aslan Sarinzhipov, intends to raise the issue of the status of the teachers, he announced at "The best teacher" contest. "The Ministry (of Education and Science) intends to question the status of teachers, so their status can correspond to a special kind of public servants," said the Minister Sarinzhipov. “Living in “Berendei kingdom” - Few are the people who choose living all the year round in the woods, away from people, to protect nature full time as they say. 

October 3 2014, 15:37

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