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“Yandex launches car navigation app for Kazakhstan”, "Agafia’s story: Old hermit lives alone deep in Siberian forest, seeks help", "Liable for damage’: Families of Germans killed in MH17 crash to sue Ukraine", “White tiger kills schoolboy at Delhi zoo”

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interfax-kz. “Yandex launches car navigation app for Kazakhstan” - Yandex launches a car navigation app to make driving safe and easy in Kazakhstan cities. "The mobile app let users search for routes and avoid traffic jams in Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Turkey," the company said in a statement on Monday. The app has voice navigation and live traffic updates every two miners, helps find the nearest gas filing station or an optional route in case of a road accident or traffic jams, according to the statement. Until December 19, 2014 Beeline offers free traffic to customers using Yandex.Navigator App. "Agafia’s story: Old hermit lives alone deep in Siberian forest, seeks help" - Russian babushka Agafia, whose family fled civilization nearly a century ago, was born in the wilderness of the deep Siberian taiga. RT visited Agafia, who is the only living person of a family of the 'Old Believers' denomination of the Orthodox church. In the mid-17th century, the leader of Russia’s Orthodox church, Patriarch Nikon, introduced radical reforms in Russia. Many couldn’t accept the changes and became known as 'Old Believers.'

"Liable for damage’: Families of Germans killed in MH17 crash to sue Ukraine"- The families of German citizens killed in the Malaysian plane crash in eastern Ukraine are planning to sue the Ukrainian authorities in the European Court of Human Rights, accusing them of manslaughter by negligence. Ukraine should have closed its airspace if it couldn’t provide for the safety of flights over its territory, Elmar Giemulla, a professor of aviation law representing the three families of German victims, told Bild am Sonntag, a German Sunday newspaper. “White tiger kills schoolboy at Delhi zoo” - A white tiger has attacked and killed an Indian schoolboy at Delhi zoo, officials and witnesses say. Zoo manager Riaz Khan said the teenager "seems to have leapt over the railing into the tiger enclosure", news agency AFP reported. Television pictures showed the boy crouching against a wall while the tiger stood near him.

September 23 2014, 15:13

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