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“Kazakh National Bank widens national currency’s rate corridor”, “Donetsk Republic to hold more consultations with Kiev on exchange of prisoners”, “Merkel wants new Russia sanctions implemented”, “Oscar Pistorius cleared of murder charges”

1 123 просмотрs “Donetsk Republic to hold more consultations with Kiev on exchange of prisoners” - Ukrainian authorities insist that the exchange of prisoners should be accompanied by a full-blown legal procedure, which will take no less than two weeks. “Kazakh National Bank widens national currency’s rate corridor” - Kazakh National Bank brought down the lower limit of the rate corridor of national currency tenge from 182 tenge per one dollar to 170 tenge per one dollar, Novosti-Kazakhstan reported with the reference to Kazakh official. “Merkel wants new Russia sanctions implemented” - The European Union should go ahead with the announcement of new economic sanctions against Russia, Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday, adding that they could always be suspended at a later date if there was substantial progress towards a peace plan for Ukraine. “Oscar Pistorius cleared of murder charges” - Judge clears South African runner of most severe charges, reading of verdict not complete. South African Judge Thokozile Masipa has cleared Olympic and Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius of all murder charges, saying he did not foresee he could kill anyone the night he shot his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. 


September 11 2014, 16:34

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