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"How to build a medieval castle", “Robin Williams' other role: humanitarian”, “Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus carry out anti-terrorist exercises”, “Head of self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic resigns”

1 399 просмотрs"How to build a medieval castle" - The Guédelon Castle in Burgundy, France is a work in progress. It was started 17 years ago and still needs another 11 years before it's finished. But that's because it's being built exactly as back in medieval times - from materials to tools. We visit the site to see how it's being done. “Robin Williams' other role: humanitarian” - The sudden death of Academy Award-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams has sent shock waves throughout the world. The 63-year-old was not only known for bringing laughter to so many throughout his career but for bringing compassion to his philanthropic causes as well. “Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus carry out anti-terrorist exercises” - Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus start joint anti-terrorist exercises Zhetisu Anti-Terror 2014 Aug. 14, CIS Antiterrorism Center reported. Within the exercises which will be carried out in Kazakhstan the soldiers of the three countries will have to free the civilians captured by "militants". “Head of self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic resigns” - Head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) in Ukraine Valery Bolotov said he resigns. "I've decided to temporarily quit the post of head of the Luansk People's Republic," Bolotov told reporters on Thursday. "The impact of the wound is preventing me from being fully efficient at this post." “3-y.o. boy survives fall from 5th floor in Shymkent” - A 3-year-old boy has fallen out of a fifth-floor window and survived in the city of Shymkent in southern Kazakhstan, Tengrinews reports citing The incident occurred on August 10 in the Northern District of Shymkent. “Pope shuns luxury in South Korea with small car” - Pope Francis has surprised South Koreans during his visit to the country by shunning an expensive luxury car to travel in a compact car instead. After arriving at the airport he climbed into the backseat of a a Kia Soul - the manufacturer's second smallest model. “Wang, Africa's last polar bear, dies” - The last polar bear in Africa died Wednesday after months of grieving his longtime companion at a zoo in Johannesburg, a far cry from his Arctic habitat. Wang, 28, suffered from chronic arthritis and liver failure.









August 14 2014, 15:32

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