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“Obama: 'Russia doesn't make anything,' West must be firm with China” ,“A True Love Story: Couple Married 62 Years Die Together”, “What Caused Toledo's Water Contamination?”, “Women Aging Gracefully in Front of the Camera”

1 036 просмотрs “What Caused Toledo's Water Contamination?” - Massive algal blooms like the one that has turned the waters of Lake Erie florescent green and contaminated the drinking water of Toledo, Ohio, are caused when certain kinds of algae grow in response to changes in chemicals in the water, often from fertilizer components.

“A True Love Story: Couple Married 62 Years Die Together” - It's a love story that lasted a lifetime, and beyond. Don and Maxine Simpson, of Bakersfield, Calif., were married 62 years and died within four hours of each other."It's absolutely beautiful, and the story is beautiful," Melissa Sloan, the couple's granddaughter, told ABC affiliate KERO-TV.

“Women Aging Gracefully in Front of the Camera” - Marc Jacobs’s spring 2014 runway show featured grass, choppy haircuts, and the voice of Jessica Lange. Five months later, the 65-year-old Lange was named the first ever face of Jacobs’s new line of color cosmetics. That same week, Nars announced their new face, 68-year-old Charlotte Rampling. The English actress’s ad, featuring a black-and-white portrait shot by Francois Nars, debuted on Friday. Rampling has starred in high fashion campaigns—Missoni, Marc Jacobs—but this is her first beauty contract, and the latest in a string of images featuring markedly older women. Let’s avoid calling it a trend in the hopes that this mindset is here to stay.

reuters. “Obama: 'Russia doesn't make anything,' West must be firm with China” - President Barack Obama dismissed Russia as a nation that "doesn't make anything" and said in an interview with the Economist magazine that the West needs to be "pretty firm" with China as Beijing pushes to expand its role in the world economy.












August 4 2014, 11:42

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