Atyrau, July 27 05:57
 clearВ Атырау +25
$ 474.83
€ 515.38
₽ 5.50

… and 1 kg of caviar

2 609 просмотрs

During “Bekre" (Sturgeon) operation in Atyrau the police forces confiscated 1,5 tons of sturgeon from poachers.

In the last case poachers managed to squeeze a few bags with sturgeon inside a car cabin. The car drew road policemen’s attention not only due to its lowered bottom, but also because it was moving on the highway with switched-off headlights. The driver ignored the road inspector’s signal to stop and stepped on the gas. After a short pursuit the car was stopped. Criminal case has been initiated.

According to Gulnazira MUKHTAROVA, Atyrau Oblast Internal Affairs press secretary, 193 violations have been revealed as the result of autumn operation, including 158 facts of illegal fishing and violations of fishing rules. About 9 tons of fish have been confiscated. As to black caviar – the results are not so fruitful. During the whole period of “Bekre” operation policemen managed to confiscate only 1 kg of this delicacy.

By Anastassia  PASTUKHOVA

November 13 2012, 14:41

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