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Norwegian companies to increase fresh sea fish supplies to Kazakhstan

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Norwegian companies will increase fresh sea fish supplies to Kazakhstan. In 2011, the country imported about 15 tons of seafood products and delicacies.

According to Caspionet, Norwegian companies will increase fresh sea fish supplies to Kazakhstan. According to experts, this trend is due to a growing demand among restaurants and increased purchasing power. In 2011, the country imported about 15 tons of seafood products and delicacies.

"Norway supplies fish to Europe and other countries, mostly trout and salmon and the companies meet all the cycles in their production from the output to the finished product," said Torbjorn Eide, Sales Manager of Leroy Seafood Group.

"Around 95% of fish imported from Norway is fresh fish. Here, the importers decide what part of it will be put on the shelves in the fresh form, and what part will be processed into a product whether it's smoked or salted fish. But in any case, freezing fish is not much harmful to its quality, but most importantly it should be warned to freeze fish," said Darya Derkach, Assistant Director of Norwegian Fish Committee in Russia.

The cost of seafood in the domestic market ranges from 2.5 to 5 thousand tenge per kilogram, so the main consumers are the well-to-do and the middle class in Kazakhstan. This product also enjoys high demand by restaurants that offer their customers Asian dishes such as sushi, rolls, and sashimi.

"Kazakhstan prefers to buy big fish, weighing more than 6 kilograms. The situation is quite different in Europe as there is demand for small fish weighing no more than 3-5 kilograms," Torbjorn Eide said.

Experts say that apart from direct delivery, the Norwegian fish is delivered to the domestic counters from France, Russia, Ukraine and other countries. The development potential of this market can be estimated at hundreds of percent, according to experts. The issues of taxation and logistics should be addressed in this respect.

November 12 2012, 17:24

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