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Explosion at Aktobe Refinery

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In Aktobe Oblast as the result of explosion at the refinery belonging to Vernal Oil Kazakhstan LLP four workers suffered various injuries, reports, citing kaztag.

“Reservoir located on the territory of the plant exploded. Four people were hurt. One of them suffered heavily, 90% of his body was burned. The other three workers had 25-50% of burns on their bodies. We need to transport injured workers to burn center. The plant is shut down,” – said the local government representative of Mugalzhar District.

According to information, the accident happened in the evening on July 16 at the Kandyagash township (located 100 km away from Aktobe city). Currently the suffered workers are placed to the central Mugalzhar hospital. They are getting all necessary treatments. A special commission is investigating the reason of blast.

According to the Chief doctor of the central hospital Kydyrbek Abishev, the worker who received 40% of burns has been transported to Aktobe city hospital. Another worker who received chest injuries, went home after he received first medical aid. The third worker, who received 10-12% of burns is in the local hospital.

The worker who received most of burns- 90 % of his body is about to be medevaced to Orenburg. The company said that it will cover all transportation expenses, said Abishev.

July 17 2014, 13:24

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