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Angela Merkel's Facebook page spammed by pro Ukrainians- "Frau Ribbentrop"

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Tens of thousands of comments appeared under records on Merkel’s Facebook page. Most of them consist of 3 words: ‘Danke, Frau Ribbentrop («Thank you, Ms. Ribbentrop”)’. In such way Ukrainians compare Merkel to Nazi Minister of Foreign Affairs Joachim von Ribbentrop, who in 1939, along with the People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR Vyacheslav Molotov signed in Moscow a secret additional protocol to the agreement on non-aggression pact between the Soviet Union and the Third Reich (the Molotov – Ribbentrop Pact ) that describes the part of ‘spheres of interest’ in the Baltic states and Poland.

Flash mob went beyond Facebook, users seeking to withdraw hash-tag # DankeFrauRibbentrop in Twitter trend.

A lot of records dedicated to ‘Frau Ribbentrop’ appeared in social networks. In addition to the short phrase of 3 words one can frequently come across texts in English containing call not to trust Putin and do not believe in the ethnic nature of Ukrainin conflict.

On Sunday German Chancellor had negotiations with Vladimir Putin in Brazil, after this the two politics had casual talks during the final match of the World Cup.

After her talk to Putin Merkel declared the necessity of negotiations between Kiev and fighters which caused outrage of Ukrainians.

July 16 2014, 11:55

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