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Yanukovych sues EU over sanctions

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V. YanukovichV. YanukovichFormer Ukranian president Viktor Yanukovych, ousted by pro-Western protests, has filed a suit with the EU's highest court, protesting sanctions imposed on himself and his two sons.

The European Court of Justice lists the Yanukovych suit along with cases made by several other prominent figures in the crisis, which was sparked when the former president ditched an EU Association Accord under intense pressure from Russia in November and eventually led to his ouster and the instalment of a pro-Western team in Kiev.

Among the other names listed on the ECJ website are former prime minister Mykola Azarov and his son.

The European Union hit Yanukovych and close associates with an asset freeze in March for corruption. The new pro-Western government in Kiev estimates some $3.0 billion were embezzled by the Yanukovych leadership.

Other Ukraine and Russian figures have been hit with similar sanctions and travel bans for their role in the crisis and Moscow's annexation of the Crimea in March.

July 14 2014, 17:35

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