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'Three Kazakhstanis enter US military academies", "Crimea Minister of Culture Accuses Kiev of Theft of Scythian Gold', “Russia Considering ‘Surgical Strike’ on Ukraine”, “Cuba cracks down, arrests 100 women dissidents",

1 124 просмотрs Minister of Culture Accuses Kiev of Theft of Scythian Gold” - Ukraine’s authorities are plundering Scythian gold from the collections of Crimean museums on display in Amsterdam right now, Crimea's Culture Minister Arina Novoselskaya said Friday.

Russia Considering ‘Surgical Strike’ on Ukraine” - Moscow is considering “surgical retaliatory strikes” on the Ukrainian territory after the standoff has led to first civilian victims among Russians on Russia’s territory, a Kremlin source told Kommersant Monday. 'Three Kazakhstanis enter US military academies" - Three students from Kazakhstan - Ablai Orazkhanov, Balausa Kamaledenova, Daniyar Imankulov - have been admitted into the leading military universities of the U.S. Armed Forces. U.S. a.i. Chargé d'Affaires in Kazakhstan John Ordway personally handed the enrolment certificates to them in June, Tengrinews reports citing the press-service of the Kazakhstan Defence Ministry. “Cuba cracks down, arrests 100 women dissidents” - Cuban authorities arrested an unusually large group of about 100 dissident marchers Sunday, breaking up a march by the Ladies in White opposition activists. Shouting "Freedom! Freedom!," the women offered no resistance as they were put on buses by dozens of police and plainclothes agents of the only communist-ruled country in the Americas.



July 14 2014, 17:24

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