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"37 couples married in Astana on the Day of Capital", “Nine films that were banned”, “Israel launches new air strikes on Gaza Strip”, “Real Humpty Dumpty Has a Great Fall Off Oregon Wall”, “Kazakhstan launched ecologic corridor”

1 510 просмотрs “Nine films that were banned” - “The Birth of a Nation” Even at the time of its release in the US in 1915, DW Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation was controversial. A three-hour epic dramatising the American Civil War and its aftermath, the film depicts in a positive light the foundation of the Ku Klux Klan. Historians credit the film, which was a blockbuster success, with spurring the KKK’s revival in the 20th Century revival. The US National Association for the Advancement of Colored People staged a boycott and the cities of Chicago, St Louis, Kansas City, Pittsburgh and Denver banned it, with government leaders fearing that it would lead to race riots. Those bans were later lifted, and Griffith himself tried to apologise for The Birth of a Nation with his with his next film, Intolerance (1916). (Kino) “Real Humpty Dumpty Has a Great Fall Off Oregon Wall” - Humpty Dumpty used to sit on a wall. But no more. Two men tried to climb a wall where a statue of the fairy tale egg had sat smiling at visitors for more than 40 years at the Enchanted Forest theme park in Turner, Oregon. The statue was smashed to bits, but founder Roger Tofte is already working on plans to replace it, the park says on its Facebook page. "Hopefully, eventually we can all look back on this with a smile at a fairy tale come to life!" it says. "37 couples married in Astana on the Day of Capital" - 37 capital’ s couples married in the day of the 16th anniversary of the Day of Capital. The solemn wedding ceremony took place in square before the Atamaken complex. The wedding festivity is a bright and interesting project which became a good tradition of the capital that is held for the seventh time.

“Kazakhstan launched ecologic corridor” - “Irgiz-Torgai-Zhylanshyk” ecologic corridor, total area of which is over two million hectares is formed for the first time in Kazakhstan, the Kazakh Ministry of Environment and Water Resources informed. “The ecologic corridor covers territories of Irgiz-Torgaisky natural reservation and public wildlife reservation "Altyn Dala" (Kostanay region.) It was created with the purpose of providing for positional connection to protect natural migration routes and the Betpakdala saiga calving," the authority reports. “Israel launches new air strikes on Gaza Strip” - Israel has carried out more air strikes on the Gaza Strip, following dozens of rockets fired by the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas. At least 15 Palestinians, including two women and a child, were reportedly hurt in the strikes. ‘Corruption sank’ South Korea ferry” - The South Korean government’s audit and inspection board said in its report on Tuesday that the regional port administration had licensed the ferry even though it had been illegally converted, according to state news agency Yonhap. The agency failed to maintain proper communication with the ferry and issued ill-matched rescue orders. “Brazil vs Germany: How do they compare?” - Brazil and Germany are two of the most decorated teams in football, with eight World Cup titles between them. Both have their share of players among the all-time greats, and both entered this tournament being touted among the main favorites.



July 8 2014, 11:03

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