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Kazakh, Belarussian PMs meet in Astana

1 526 просмотрs

The head of the Belarusian Government is in Kazakhstan with an official visit. According to his Kazakh colleague S. Akhmetov, all issues that are to be discussed are of mutual interest.

"Your official visit once again demonstrates undoubtedly high level of the interstate cooperation between Kazakhstan and Belarus and I am confident it will give a new impetus to friendship, good neighborliness and mutually profitable economic collaboration," Prime Minister Akhmetov noted.

M. Myasnikovich, in his turn, stressed Belarus was satisfied with the current level of relations between the two countries. "Our partnership may enter a brand new level after this visit," he added.

"We have come with innovative proposals that will be implemented through new investment projects. I believe as strategic partners, working within the Single Economic Space and with the Russian Federation, we can ensure higher level of our economies. We can pass on and share technologies and necessary documents in the sphere of chemical industry and engineering with Kazakhstan," the Belarusian Prime Minister concluded.

November 9 2012, 11:21

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