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Kazakhstan population nears 17mln

2 409 просмотрs

As of October 1, 2012, population of Kazakhstan counts 16,865,600 -- the country has seen a growth of 1.1% year to date, reports the RoK Statistics Agency. 

This year, Astana's population size has grown by 27,500 to become 770,400 on October 1. Natural population increase in the capital city makes 11,800, migrational increase - 15,700.

In January-September, number of inhabitants of Almaty increased by 16,400. 1,466,800 people now live in the southern capital of Kazakhstan. Here natural increase prevails over migrational -- 11,300 and 5,100 respectively.

In general, all oblasts, except North Kazakhstan and East Kazakhstan, have seen growth in January-September.

The most significant growth is taking place in South Kazakhstan -- by 45,500 reaching 2,667,100; Almaty Oblast -- by 28,800 reaching 1,938,200 and Mangystau -- by 17,700 to be 563,400.

WKT citing KazTAG


November 7 2012, 09:47

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