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People picketing Russian Embassy in Kyiv as sign of protest against Russia's policy

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A rally has been held near the building of the Russian Embassy in Kyiv to protest against the use of Russian troops in Crimea as part of an international project against Russian aggression in Ukraine entitled "Help Ukraine! Stop War!"

An Interfax-Ukraine reporter said that about 150 people carrying the flags of Ukraine, various posters and banners, with slogans written in Ukrainian and English, calling on Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin to stop the aggression against Ukraine, had gathered outside the embassy.

In an address passed to journalists the public activists who initiated this rally noted that Russian troops were continuing to capture Ukrainian strategic facilities in Crimea.

"The invasion of the Russian army on continental Ukraine could begin any day. There are 14 nuclear reactors in Ukraine, as well as chemical plants, gas and ammonia pipelines, and a few hundred military warehouses with dangerous munitions. The Russian Federation began the nuclear energy blockade of Ukraine, banning the supply of nuclear fuel for Ukrainian nuclear power plants. This can lead to very dangerous consequences," reads the statement.

Participants in the rally warned that military actions on Ukrainian territory could lead to catastrophic environmental consequences not only for Europe, but also for the whole world, so Ukrainians, Russians and the international community must not allow direct military actions in central Europe.

June 16 2014, 02:40

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