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Conditions for attracting foreign workers in Kazakhstan outside the quota will be specified in contracts with investors

3 321 просмотрs

Attracting foreign labor to Kazakhstan without permits and quotas will be limited only by the contract with investors, said Vice-Minister of Economy and Budget Planning Marat Kusainov, kaztag reports.

"For investors who have contracted with the Investment Committee (Ministry of Industry and New Technologies - KazTAG), will be entitled to exemption from quotas and permits. All restrictions will be provided by the contract: the list of professions and the number of workers involved. The restrictions will be provided in the agreements themselves,"- he said, responding to reporters' questions about the risks of expansion of Chinese workers on Monday .

The draft law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on improvement of investment climate" was approved by the Majilis in the first reading and sent to the Senate for consideration.

The bill proposes to provide investors with the right to hire foreign labor for the entire period of construction investment project and one year after the entry into operation of the quota without permission.

In addition, it is proposed to exempt from CIT for 10 years, from the land tax for 10 years, from the payment of property tax for 8 years, to compensate up to 30% of the capital costs of the investor by the state after commissioning (investment subsidy) .

Also it will provide the introduction of stability in tax rates (excluding VAT and excise taxes), environmental fees and charges for a period of 10 years, after the conclusion of contracts with investors.

The bill provides for the approval limit for all tariffs of natural monopolies in the long term (5 years or more). However, in order to protect the rights and interests of investors, the legislation introduced Institute of Investment Ombudsman.

The above-mentioned package of incentives will be provided for new investment projects worth at least $ 20 million in the priority sectors of the economy in accordance with the state program of industrialization.

June 10 2014, 11:27

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