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Petro Poroshenko is sworn in as president of Ukraine (inauguration live)

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Petro Poroshenko is being inaugurated as Ukraine’s new president in a ceremony in Kiev. The event is being attended by US Vice President Joe Biden, the most senior American official to be present at a Ukrainian presidential inauguration, reports citing

Kazakhstan is represented by PM Karim Massimov and Russia - by its Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov.

As of Friday evening 56 foreign delegations have confirmed their participation in the June 7 swearing-in ceremony of the newly elected president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, according to the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine, reports

"As of today, 56 delegations of foreign states and international delegations have confirmed their participation in the inauguration," director of the ministry's information policy department Yevhen Perebyinis told Interfax-Ukraine.


According to him, at least 23 foreign delegations will include heads of states, governments, parliaments or heads of international organizations. Some the delegations will be at the level of deputy prime ministers or foreign ministers.

June 7 2014, 12:42

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