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Kazakhstan to agree with Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan over disputed lands

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Photo courtesy tengrinews.kzKazakhstan will resolve the issue of disputed territory with Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, reports a reporter citing Kadirkhan Otarov, chairman of Kazakhstan agency for land resources management.

"We've finalized field works with Turkmenistan, but we still have moments that need to be considered by three states -- Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. The thing is the 28km long section where the borders of the three countries intersect" he said responding to the questions of Majilis deputies about demarcation and delimitation procedures.

The head of agency commented the recent captivation of Kazakh citizens in Turkmenistan,  allegedly for illegal crossing of the border.

"The latest events at the Kazakh-Turkmen border show that Turkmen citizens committed some violations. But field works with them in general have been completed. Only the official paperwork part is being done at the moment" he noted.

"We completely finished demarcation and delimitation with the People's Republic of China. Field works with Uzbekistan are over as well and we are carrying out documental bit of the job. With Kyrgyzstan we have concluded field works, but we still have another 50km to review. Therefore Kyrgyzstan related papers are not in place. They will be ready in 2013" he said to parliamentarians.

November 5 2012, 14:30

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