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Monument to great Kazakh poet Abai uveiled in Budapest

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A bust of the great 19th century Kazakh poet Abai Kounanbaev has been unveiled in Astana street in Budapest, reports.

The unveiling ceremony was held as part of Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov’s official visit to Hungary, reports. 

The bust monument made of bronze stands 1.7-m tall. It was made in eastern Kazakhstan and delivered to Hungary. 

The street in Budapest was named after the Kazakh capital in 2013. The Budapest city council in April of this year voted to erect a statue of Abai.

There are monuments to Abai Kounanbaev in Moscow, Beijing, Tashkent, Vitebsk, Tehran and Istanbul, the official website of Strategy 2050 reported.

The representatives of the Governor’s Office of East Kazakhstan region and Hajdu-Bihar (Hungary) inked an agreement on cooperation in trade, economic, culture and humanitarian spheres.  







June 4 2014, 10:28

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