Alexander Vinokurov is accused of paying for the victory in 2010 Liège-Bastogne-Liège race, Sovetskii sport Newspaper reports.
Investigation authorities of the Italian Padua accuse the Kazakhstn bicycle racer, Olympic champion Alexander Vinovkurov of pying for the victory in the prestigious classical race of Liège-Bastogne-Liège in 2010.
According to the Il Corriere della Sera Newspaper, the prosecutor's office of Padua “possesses incontestable proofs” that Vinokurov persuaded his partner in an arrival separation Alexander Kolobnev to concede him for the compensation of 150 thousand euros.
Inspectors are ready to present in court the messages of two athletes, sent by them each other by e-mail, and also two bank payment orders, confirming transfer of means by Vinokurov to Kolobnev's account in one of Swiss banks.