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Ukraine's Luhansk People’s Republic to Announce Full Mobilization

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Situation in LuhanskSituation in LuhanskThe self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic will declare a general mobilization of men aged 18 to 45, Head of the Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) Valery Bolotov said Thursday, reports.

Bolotov added that all males fit for military service aged 18-45 would be mobilized, adding that additional security measures will be taken to protect civilians.

According to Bolotov, particular attention will be drawn to the formation of “special medical groups.”

Bolotov did not name the number of troops that the republic expects to muster in the mobilization.

The eastern Ukrainian region of Luhansk has been the epicenter of violent clashes between government soldiers and protesters following the beginning of a large-scale military operation by the Kiev authorities in mid-April. Both sides have suffered numerous casualties.

Though the Ukrainian parliament approved a so-called memorandum of peace and consent on Tuesday, calling on the return of troops stationed in eastern Ukraine to their permanent bases, the special operation in the region is still underway.

On May 11, the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk people’s republics held referendums on self-determination, with over 90 percent of voters supporting greater autonomy. Following the vote, the republics went ahead with the establishment of new local government agencies and announced they would not take part in the upcoming May 25 snap presidential election.

May 28 2014, 10:01

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