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Women “pulled through” Kazakhstan economy in 90’s - National Commission

1 343 просмотрs

Makhabbat Bekbosynova. Photo:kazinformMakhabbat Bekbosynova. Photo:kazinform“The share of women among individual entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan reaches 60%,” head of the National Commission for Women Affairs and Family-Demographic Policy under the Kazakh President Makhabbat Bekbosynova told at today's international conference titiled "Development of regional cooperation of women-entrepreneurs of Central Asia and Afghanistan”. 

"The share of women involved in Kazakhstan-based small and medium business is about 50%, while 60% of individual entrepreneurs fall on women. Last year every third microcredit was granted to a woman for doing own business," she added.

“When I meet businesswomen, I tell them:” Look, how many of you are, you are a real force. Each of them started from scratch and created their companies. Our Kazakhstan men say that in 90’s our women “carried” the national economy on their shoulders. Women carried goods to Kazakhstan from all over the world in big bags, they organized small branch offices, developed trade and improved economy of our country. Today woman has to have favorable conditions for development of business in our country, but the priority goal is to teach her how to do it”, - noted Makhabbat Bekbosynova.

May 23 2014, 18:41

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