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Islam against terrorism (+update)

2 978 просмотрs

By Saule Tasboulatova

Atyrau regional government administration and RoK Agency for religious affirs conducted the scientific-practical conferenceentitled“Islam is against terrorism”.

Erlan Abdakasov, Agency vice-chairman, noted in his report the importance of providing inter-ethnic and inter-faith consent in the society and emphasized a special role that traditional hanafi school plays in it.

Mohammed Dzhemal ad-Din Hashim, the sheikh of Al-Azkhar University, said in his speech that the concept of “terrorism” contradicts Islam, and the reason of extremist manifestations is religious illiteracy. Sheikh suggested to provide scientific support to Spiritual Governance for Muslims of Kazakhstan that promulgates the traditional school of Islam -  hanafi madhhab of Maturidi belief. He also noted an important role of mosques in warning of parishioners from incorrect religious views.

Yerlan Karin, the trustees’ board chairman of the Center of Security Programs, gave attention to the  global aspects of terrorism. According to data provided by U.S. Department of State, from the end of 90’s to the beginning of 2000’s the total number of terrorism acts in the world amounted to 500-600, but from 2005’s - this figure sharply increased. In one year the number of acts of terrorism amounts to 10 000. In 2013 there were 9 700 cases – mainly in such hot spots such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria. The political scientist Karin noted three stages of “evolution” of terrorism in Kazakhstan: the first stage (middle of 90’s -  the beginning of 2000’s) when there was a problem with fugitive terrorists when illegal armed groups tried to find a shelter in Kazakhstan. The period from 2006 to 2010 is a “recruiting” stage when under the influence of the foreign propaganda some citizens of Kazakhstan tried to participate in acts of terrorism on the territory of other countries. And the third stage is when terrorist groups have been established in Kazakhstan, who tired to perform similar actions inside our country.

According to Karin, the issue of terrorism had a ground for emergence:

- We haven’t paid attention to the processes that began in 90’s. Other countries faced terrorism issues before us and they undertook all measures. We, probably, had an illusion that it won't affect us. But we live in interrelated world, and many processes are common top us all.

There was an opinion that the main target of terrorists are law enforcement officers, but according to Karin, the recent years’ analysis shows that more often the civilians become the victims of terrorist attacks. It means that terrorism is a danger to public.

Following the results of scientific-practical conference the participants adopted the Address to the public.

Photo of the author

May 20 2014, 13:11

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