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President's Administration ex-head Mussin: I remain a loyal Nazarbayev ally

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Astana. November 1. Interfax-Kazakhstan - Chairman of the Audit Committee, the former head of the Presidential Administration, Aslan Mussin, vows to take any position entrusted by the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev.

"I've always been a loyal ally of the great man, the founder and builder of our state, Nursultan Nazarbayev. I am ready to work in any office, he will entrust to me," said Musin in an interview with the

Aslan Mussin was appointed Chair of the Audit Committee for the Republic’s Budget this September. Many political experts linked Musin's resignation from the presidential administration to his association with the ex-Governor of Atyrau region Bergei Ryskaliyev. Ryskaliyev was released from governor's post for health reasons. The Financial Police immediately initiated a number of criminal investigations into theft and embezzlement and detained several regional officials and corporate top executives.

Mussin told, that his relations with Ryskalievym, "as well as with other state officials, have been exclusively work-related."

"I had worked in the capacity of the head of the Presidential Administration for 4 years. My term in that challenging position was the longest among other predecessors. I worked around the clock without holidays or weekends. Therefore, I asked the president to transfer me to another job," he said.

Screenshot of interview with A. Mussin, RoK Audit Committee Chairman. Almaty,Nov 1, 2012.

Commenting on the alleged proposals to side with the opponents of President Nazarbayev, in particular, with the convicted ex-ambassador to Austria Rakhat Aliyev, Mussin said, "Aliyev has been found guilty by Kazakhstan's court. I've never had any contact with Aliyev, and couldn't have had. "

As reported, in early October, Kazakh online media reported that Mussin left Kazakhstan allegedly to escape the criminal prosecution. The Audit Committee commented that Musin was taking its annual leave until the end of October. The official statement also mentioned that the head of the committee was having his health checkup in Germany.

November 2 2012, 17:00

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